Manage your users for a better onboarding experience

Your users are the reason why you’re creating an app in the first place – so it’s important to ensure that they have a great time using the app, and have visibility into who these users are. Enter Users and Groups – a centralized place for you to manage all activities relating to your users.

Easily promote your app, and increase adoption.

Invite a list of users to a guide using their email addresses. The list can be uploaded via spreadsheet, or users can be manually added. Inviting users will provide them with an easy, simplified download flow.

Do you already have a list of all your attendees? If you’ve got your guest list locked down, you no longer need to use another email service to send them an app invite – simply upload the list using our spreadsheet template, and they will instantly receive instructions to download your guide. Give them the information they need with the least amount of friction.

Control access to your app using whitelist.

Limit access of the guide only to a list of invited users – perfect for events with exclusive content or high security needs.

If you have a fixed group of attendees that you’d like to give access to, simply set Restrict Access to “on.” Users will be prompted to log into your guide; only those with a verified email will gain access.

Learn who your users are.

View the details of logged-in users who have downloaded and checked into your guide. Use this information for better decision making and insight into your target audience.

Have a public guide? You can see the details of users who have signed in. If you have a high proportion of users who haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can send a targeted email gently reminding them to do so.

usersandschedulesCreate Groups.

Segment groups of users to give them targeted schedules and messaging.

Break out your audience into specific groups, and assign them schedule items so that they can dive right into the activities. Send a reminder to that limited group, and make sure they’re in the right place at the right time.

Add value to your users by giving them a more tailored, targeted experience. If you’d like to give it a try, get in touch!

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