Get 90% or More of Your Audience to Download Your Event App

Today, using event apps like Guidebook is a game-changer for keeping things organized and engaging. But hey, we get it – switching from old-school printed programs or QR codes to a new app can feel like a leap of faith. And if you do switch to an app, will people even download it? Here’s how Guidebook tackles those concerns head-on, making your event planning smoother than ever.

high app adoption with guidebook g2 award

Worried People Won’t Download the App?

It’s a valid concern. Convincing everyone to download something new can be tricky. That’s where Guidebook steps in with awesome promotional tools. We give you customizable emails, snazzy social media graphics, and other made-for-you promo content. These tools help you spread the word about the app and show everyone why it’s worth the download. It’s all about making sure your attendees are as excited about the app as you are!

Start promoting your event app today

  • Social Media: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create excitement. Post engaging content about your event app, highlighting its features and benefits. Offer sneak peeks and exclusive content to entice followers to download the app.
  • Email Campaigns: Send targeted emails to registered attendees. Provide clear instructions on how to download the app and emphasize its convenience in accessing event information. Include direct links to app stores for easy access.
  • Event Webpage Optimization: Optimize your event webpage to prominently feature the app. Include download links, testimonials from previous users, and a demo video showcasing app functionality. Ensure the webpage aligns with your event branding and emphasizes how the app enhances attendee engagement and satisfaction.

See how DECA built an app with high adoption and high engagement.

The statistics speak for themselves, showcasing the effectiveness of DECA’s virtual engagement strategy:

  • Cumulative time attendees spent in the app: 30 days
  • Total app sessions during the conference: 54,000
  • Event schedule session views: 18,000

easy admin with guidebook event apps

Tired of Juggling Between Printed Programs and Websites?

We hear you – all those papers and spreadsheets can get messy. Guidebook simplifies everything by putting all your event info in one easy-to-use app. Attendees can check schedules, find maps, and read up on speakers – all from their phones. It’s like having everything at your fingertips without the hassle of digging through papers or clicking through multiple websites.

Build an app your audience wants to download

Interact and Networking

Let’s dive into one of the coolest features of your Guidebook: Interact. This is like the social hub of your event guide, updating in real-time with everything happening at your event. It’s where the action is! You can post updates, share photos, and check out popular sessions. It’s perfect for sparking conversations and keeping attendees in the loop.

And hey, your sponsors will love this too. They can post special offers or highlight their presence directly to your audience. It adds real value to their sponsorship and keeps everyone engaged.

Plus, there’s the Attendees feature. By checking in, attendees can make their profiles visible to others, connect, and even message each other right within the guide. It’s a fantastic way to network, arrange meet-ups, and stay connected long after the event wraps up.

Schedule Tracks

Managing a complex schedule? Guidebook’s got you covered. You can organize sessions into schedule tracks, making it easy for attendees to filter and find what interests them most. Pinning these tracks to the menu bar ensures quick access, highlighting key sessions or speakers, making it super convenient for everyone.

Push Notifications

Want to bring attendees back to your guide? Push notifications are your go-to. Whether it’s important updates, reminders about specific features, or special offers from sponsors, these notifications keep everyone engaged. And don’t worry, users control whether they receive them, so encourage them to opt in for the best experience.

Interactive Maps

Navigating a large event can be a maze, but not with Guidebook’s interactive maps. They work offline too, so no worries about losing your way without internet. Attendees can easily find sessions, booths, or points of interest, making navigation a breeze. Sponsors benefit too, as their booth locations are linked directly on the map, boosting visibility and engagement.

Forms and Live Polls

Gathering feedback is crucial, right? Guidebook lets you do that with forms and live polls. Collect attendee feedback on sessions, event organization, or the guide itself. Set up push notifications to prompt responses at the right times, ensuring high participation. Live polls during sessions engage attendees in real-time discussions, shaping the event experience dynamically.

With Guidebook, you’re not just managing an event; you’re creating a memorable experience that attendees will rave about. It’s all about keeping the interaction going, even after the event ends, with photos, feedback, and continued networking. Your event guide can truly make a difference, transforming a good event into an unforgettable one.

high app adoption with guidebook

Guidebook’s Got Your Back with Promotional Tools

Guidebook isn’t just an app – it’s a full toolkit for making your event shine. You can customize the app’s look to match your event’s style so it feels like a natural part of the experience. Plus, real-time analytics help you see how people are using the app so you can tweak things to keep everyone engaged and happy.

Guidebook Web

Your Guidebook web page is like a customizable hub where users can check out what’s available in the app. It’s perfect for accessing all the awesome content from a laptop or desktop, not just mobile devices. Every guide automatically gets its own Guidebook Web page, ready for you to personalize. Want to learn more? Check out our Guidebook Web article!

QR Code

Find your guide’s QR code in the Promote section. Hover over it and click “Save This Image” to download. Share this QR code on flyers, posters, and in emails. When users scan it with their mobile device or a scanner app, they’ll be taken straight to your guide. Just remember, for invite-only guides, users will still need to log in to access the content.


Posters are a fantastic way to spread the word. If some users haven’t downloaded your guide yet, make it easy for them by placing posters around your venue. Guidebook provides a poster featuring your Guidebook Web URL and QR code, ready to print and display.

Email Template

Download and customize our email template to add your own branding and specifics. Send it out 1–2 weeks before your guide’s launch to get users excited and prepared. If your guide is invite-only, send personalized invitation emails to ensure your audience receives the invite link.

Social Media

Use our templates with pre-written text to quickly create engaging social media posts about your guide. Each template includes a link to your Guidebook Web page, making it easy to generate buzz for your event.


Feel free to use Guidebook’s official logo for your promotional materials, whether you’re printing posters or sending out emails. It’s perfect for adding that official touch to your online and offline content.

Other Ideas

  • Set up a registration desk or info booth? Print and display your customized poster to inform everyone about your guide.
  • Encourage speakers to mention your guide during presentations to boost engagement.
  • Stick your QR code on attendees’ badges and venue signage for easy onboarding.
  • Create an eye-catching video showcasing your guide’s features and share it via email and social media.
  • These are just a few ways to promote your guide effectively. Need more ideas or personalized support? Reach out to your account manager. They’re here to help you achieve your adoption and engagement goals with a tailored promotion plan.

event management platform

Why Choose Guidebook?

Switching to Guidebook isn’t just about embracing new tech – it’s about making your life easier and your event memorable. With our user-friendly interface and powerful promotional tools, Guidebook makes app adoption a breeze. Say goodbye to paper clutter and hello to a smoother, more interactive event experience.

Ready to Make Your Event Stand Out?

Don’t let worries about app adoption hold you back. Guidebook is here to help you ditch the paperwork and create events that everyone remembers. Embrace the future of event planning with Guidebook and see just how easy and exciting app adoption can be.

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