Creating Event Surveys with ChatGPT Prompts: A Complete Guide

Advanced tech has become part of our daily lives, but for some, the hype of ChatGPT comes with the fear that artificial intelligence will soon take over the planet. What is ChatGPT, and is it safe to use?

ChatGPT, or Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, is a generative AI tool that allows users to converse freely with an AI-powered chatbot. Is it something to be scared of? Like all new technology, with the advantages and opportunities its abilities can bring, probably not if it’s used carefully. From discussing interests to asking for insights and creating outlines, ChatGPT is a cost-effective solution that revolutionizes the automation of simple and repetitive tasks.

ChatGPT’s use cases, such as customer service, coding, and data collection, are no strangers in marketing, and their significance is expanding rapidly, especially in event management. As the use of AI in event scheduling and coordination widens, ChatGPT can now also be applied in creating online event surveys and polls. 

When done properly, this AI tool can efficiently generate quality event surveys and relevant poll questions that help free up your team’s hours and give you more time for more high-value tasks.

We’ve put together a complete guide to creating superb event surveys using ChatGPT prompts, so take a look!

chatgpt survey prompts

Importance of Comprehensive Surveys in Event Planning and Evaluation

Ever wonder what are the benefits of doing thorough event surveys? Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider having detailed ones for your event:

You’ll understand what your audience thinks

Comprehensive surveys are opportunities to collect feedback from event attendees. Detailed questions (and answers) can give you an idea of their thoughts about the present event, how they can compare it with previous events, and what suggestions or recommendations they can offer for future events.

You’ll gauge if your event was successful (or not)

Inclusive survey questions let you know if your event was successful based on your audience’s perspective. Did you reach your marketing goals? Were the stakeholders happy with the turnout? Would it be beneficial to hold another event like this? Answers to these questions can be used during event evaluation as KPIs and become the basis for further improvement.

You’ll generate more leads

With detailed surveys, you can future-proof your events by understanding your potential customers’ interests and preferences. This will also increase brand awareness, help you attract a wider audience, and result in more successful events.


Surveys are also an excellent way to collect personal information from your attendees and use that data (with their consent) for advertising initiatives, promotions, campaigns, and other marketing strategies.

chatgpt pre event survey

ChatGPT Prompts for Pre-Event Surveys

Pre-event surveys help event sponsors know what their attendees expect from the event. Demographic information also lets you see the audience profiles and identify the participants’ demographic patterns, even at the beginning of the event. With ChatGPT, you can quickly generate pre-event survey questions that can help you match your attendees’ knowledge, tone, and expectations. 

When creating a prompt:

For generation of pre-event survey questions, we typed in the following prompt:

“Create a pre-event survey with 10 questions. Include multiple-choice, scale 1-5, and checklist question types” 

Here’s what we got:

ChatGPT pre-event survey ideas

  1. How did you hear about this event?
    • Email invitation
    • Social media (please specify platform: ____)
    • Word of mouth
    • Other (please specify: ____)
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how familiar are you with the event topic?
    • 1 (Not at all familiar)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Very familiar)
  3. Which aspects of the event are you most interested in? (Select all that apply)
    • Keynote speeches
    • Panel discussions
    • Workshops
    • Networking opportunities
    • Product demonstrations
    • Other (please specify: ____)
  4. What are your expectations for this event?
    • Learn new skills or information
    • Network with industry professionals
    • Find solutions to specific challenges
    • Explore new products or services
    • Other (please specify: ____)
  5. Have you attended similar events in the past?
    • Yes
    • No
  6. If yes, what did you like most about those events? (Open-ended)
  7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?
    • 1 (Not likely at all)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Very likely)
  8. What do you hope to gain from attending this event? (Select all that apply)
    • Knowledge or insights
    • Career advancement opportunities
    • Professional connections
    • Inspiration or motivation
    • Other (please specify: ____)
  9. How would you rate the convenience of the event location?
    • 1 (Very inconvenient)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Very convenient)
  10. Is there anything else you would like us to know or any specific accommodations you require? (Open-ended)


Crafting Engaging and Informative Pre-Event Questions with ChatGPT

Whatever you put into the chatbox for the bot to answer will be analyzed and used to create the results. So, if you encoded monotonous, minimal instructions, it’s more likely that you’ll get low-quality results.

Make sure you add personalized details for your ChatGPT prompts. You can easily customize it according to the type of event and respondents, your goals in creating a pre-event survey, and the question formats for your audience. The more you put in, the better results you’ll get out.

Leveraging ChatGPT to Personalize Pre-Event Survey Interactions

What’s next after ChatGPT generates the survey? By double-checking the results provided, you can ensure they are relevant and aimed at the right audience. Critical thinking and expressing feelings require human intervention, and that’s something AI cannot do. Remember to ask short, direct, easy-to-understand questions to keep your attendees interested and engaged.

chatgpt survey prompt

ChatGPT Prompts for Post-Event Surveys

When your marketing team is already drained from organizing the event, gathering survey responses post-event can be quite challenging. Instead of trying to find old questionnaires inside heaps of digital or physical folders or making one from scratch with internet templates, ChatGPT prompts can help save the day.

With this generative AI tool, you can easily break free from creative burnout while producing high-caliber questions for post-event surveys. You’ll prevent low engagement or so-so answers from participants and attendees.

When creating a prompt:

You can use this sample prompt when creating a post-event survey in ChatGPT. Customize it to add in the event details, and format the question types you want to generate:

“Create a post-event survey with 10 questions. Include multiple-choice, scale 1-5, and open text question types” 

Here’s what we got:

ChatGPT post-event survey ideas

  1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at the event?
    • 1 (Poor)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Excellent)
  2. Which sessions or activities did you find most valuable? (Select all that apply)
    • Keynote speeches
    • Panel discussions
    • Workshops
    • Networking opportunities
    • Product demonstrations
    • Other (please specify: ____)
  3. Did the event meet your expectations?
    • Yes, it exceeded my expectations
    • Yes, it met my expectations
    • No, it fell short of my expectations
  4. How likely are you to attend a similar event in the future?
    • 1 (Not likely at all)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Very likely)
  5. Did you find the event content relevant and informative?
    • Yes
    • No
  6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the organization and logistics of the event?
    • 1 (Very disorganized)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Very well organized)
  7. How would you rate the quality of the venue facilities?
    • 1 (Poor)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 (Excellent)
  8. Did you have sufficient opportunities for networking and interaction with other attendees?
    • Yes
    • No
  9. What suggestions do you have for improving future events? (Open-ended)
  10. Would you recommend this event to a friend or colleague?
    • Yes, definitely
    • Maybe
    • No

Engaging Attendees During the Event with Live Polls

When using the traditional way of collecting feedback, it’s tricky to collect the same thoughts and opinions compared to real-time insight gathering. It is way more productive to ask for attendees’ participation in surveys when their impressions of the event are still fresh.

But why stop at surveys? Enhancing event engagement with live polls can also increase the audience’s connection with one other, the hosts or speakers, and the topic at hand. These real-time activities help them relate to the event activities and create more opportunities to make them feel special.

Using ChatGPT, you can incorporate interactive experiences like real-time polls, dynamic Q&A sessions, language translation and interpretation, and even pop quizzes that transform your passive audience into active participants.

When creating a prompt:

For generating interactive polls during the event, we can modify this sample prompt:

“List 10 live poll question ideas for engaging with event attendees at a session on digital marketing trends in 2024. Include multiple-choice, scale 1-5, and open text question types.” 

Here’s what we got:

ChatGPT live poll question ideas

  1. Multiple-Choice:
    • “Which digital marketing channel do you plan to increase investment in the most in 2024?”
      • A) Social Media
      • B) Email Marketing
      • C) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
      • D) Paid Advertising (PPC)
  2. Scale 1-5:
    • “How confident are you in your understanding of the upcoming privacy changes (like third-party cookie phase-outs) and their impact on digital marketing?”
      • 1 (Not confident at all) to 5 (Very confident)
  3. Open Text:
    • “What do you see as the biggest barrier to adopting AI in your current marketing strategy?”
  4. Multiple-Choice:
    • “Which consumer behavior trend do you think will shape digital marketing strategies the most in 2024?”
      • A) Increased focus on sustainability
      • B) Demand for personalized experiences
      • C) Growth of voice search
      • D) Shift towards mobile-first content
  5. Scale 1-5:
    • “To what extent do you believe that augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will impact digital marketing campaigns in the next year?”
      • 1 (No impact) to 5 (Significant impact)
  6. Open Text:
    • “How has the rise of social commerce influenced your marketing approach?”
  7. Multiple-Choice:
    • “Which metric is most important for measuring the success of your content marketing efforts?”
      • A) Engagement (likes, shares, comments)
      • B) Conversion rate
      • C) Brand awareness
      • D) Customer retention
  8. Scale 1-5:
    • “How effective is your current strategy in adapting to rapid changes in digital marketing technology and trends?”
      • 1 (Not effective) to 5 (Very effective)
  9. Open Text:
    • “What emerging technology do you think will disrupt digital marketing the most in the next five years?”
  10. Multiple-Choice:
    • “Which aspect of data-driven marketing do you find most challenging?”
      • A) Data privacy and compliance
      • B) Interpreting and acting on data insights
      • C) Integrating data across platforms
      • D) Measuring ROI accurately

event survey

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT for Event Surveys

Here are our top tips for generating effective ChatGPT prompts for event surveys.

Customize your prompt and be specific

Concise prompts prevent misunderstandings. You don’t want to get stuck generating the same sections or entire surveys the whole day. When giving instructions, it is best to provide context for ChatGPT to formulate better results. Remember, Chat-GPT isn’t a person – don’t feel guilty to keep asking it to tweak things until you’re happy, we promise it won’t mind!

Generate questions in batches

Categorize questions according to themes like the event location, session feedback, lunch options, etc. When you sort survey questions, ChatGPT learns from the category details, minimizes repetition, and generates comprehensive results.

Provide feedback on results

This helps the chatbot understand which prompts work and which don’t. You can also utilize sample questions from existing forms for ChatGPT to derive information from and produce new relevant questions for the present event.

Try different approaches

Don’t be afraid to experiment and check which perspective and tone generates the most relevant results. You can give ChatGPT an identity, feed demographics or behavioral data, do A/B testing, and other approaches. Explore which prompts help generate results with the most relevance and least amount of tweaks.

event survey

Boosting Event Engagement with Surveys and Live Polls – The ChatGPT Way

Today, the ChatGPT era is continuously elevating the event management industry. This AI tool can be used to create high-quality surveys and live polls, which can enhance the success of your event. ChatGPT-generated surveys also ensure attendee engagement and thorough coverage of questions that can be used to improve future events.

Surveys and live polls are interactive activities that foster stronger connections and dynamics before, during, and after the event. Customizing prompts, generating by batches, iterating relevant results, and experimenting with which works best can help you successfully implement event surveys and polls. By following proven techniques in creating effective ChatGPT prompts, participants and organizers can enjoy better event experiences.

If you’re still looking for a user-friendly app for your event, let Guidebook help you create one easily! Contact our dedicated product specialists for a demo today!


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