Event App Features: 8 Ways to Amp Up Your Event Experience

Imagine having an app that doesn’t just serve as a digital tool, but rather an immersive experience that keeps users engaged before, during, and even after an event. We’re talking about an app with features that not only streamline information but also foster connections, enhance engagement, and create lasting memories. If you’re ready to take your app from good to unforgettable, buckle up as we dive into the best features that can transform your app into a powerhouse of interaction, engagement, and fun.

top event app features

Top 8 Event App Features

1. Push Notifications: Stay in the Loop

Push notifications are like the friendly tap on the shoulder that ensures users don’t miss a beat. These little messages can make a big impact by driving users back to your app and encouraging them to explore. Whether it’s a crucial update, a time-sensitive offer, or a spotlight on a sponsor, push notifications are your direct line to keeping users engaged.

2. Interactive Maps: Navigate Like a Pro

Interactive maps go beyond just showing locations – they provide a dynamic, immersive way to explore your event’s layout. Users can quickly locate sessions, booths, or key points of interest, making navigation a breeze. Plus, interactive maps work offline, ensuring users can find their way even when there’s no internet connection.

event app schedule features

3. Schedule Tracks: Your Personal Event Planner

Events often feature a jam-packed schedule, which can be overwhelming to navigate. Schedule tracks are the solution. They categorize sessions into specific tracks, allowing users to filter the content that matters most to them. Pinned to the menu bar, schedule tracks ensure users find relevant sessions swiftly.

If you’re planning an event, check out our most popular resource: the Event Planning Checklist

4. Interact: Engage Through a Social Feed with this App Feature

Let your app become a virtual social hub with the Interact feature. Users can post updates, share photos, and even connect with fellow attendees. This fosters a sense of community and interaction that extends beyond the event. Sponsors can join the conversation too, adding value and engagement to their sponsorship.

5. Session Verification and Registration: Streamlined Access

Eliminate confusion and make sessions more accessible with session verification and registration features. Attendees can confirm their attendance in advance or check in on the spot, ensuring a seamless experience for both them and event organizers.

6. Preset Schedules: Tailored for Every User on Your Event App

Not everyone has the same preferences, and preset schedules acknowledge that. Users can choose from pre-made schedules based on their interests or customize their own, ensuring they get the most out of your event.

event app survey features

7. Forms and Live Polls: Real-Time Engagement

Gather feedback and spark live interactions with forms and live polls. Attendees can share their thoughts on sessions, event organization, and the app itself. Live polls encourage real-time engagement during sessions, shaping discussions and involving the audience like never before.

8. Connect: Networking Made Easy

Turn networking into an exciting adventure. Attendees can connect and interact with each other through the Attendees feature, fostering new connections and collaborations. The conversations and connections initiated during the event can continue long after it’s over.

customized event app features

When it comes to event apps, the key is to craft an experience that participants will cherish. These features not only empower users to explore and navigate effortlessly but also enhance engagement and interactions. From networking opportunities to interactive maps that save the day, every feature plays a pivotal role in turning your app into an essential tool for attendees.

So, what are you waiting for? Elevate your event app by incorporating these game-changing features, and create an experience that resonates long after the event lights have dimmed. With the right features, your app can transform from a simple guide to a memorable journey for your users.

You can build your app with Guidebook – no coding experience necessary. The drag-and-drop builder is easy to use, so anyone can learn it. Book a demo with our team to find out of Guidebook is the right event app solution for you.

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